Mobility and accessibility paradigms in Dutch policies: An empirical analysis

Ruben Akse

Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University Nijmegen

Tom Thomas

Department of Civil Engineering and Management, University of Twente

Karst Geurs

University of Twente


Keywords: accessibility, transport policy, paradigm


To promote sustainable urban development, transport policies need to change from a car-oriented mobility planning paradigm to an accessibility-based paradigm, integrating land-use and transport policies. This paper uses the concept of planning paradigms to describe the current status of municipal transport planning and problem framing. The dominant transport planning paradigm of 172 Dutch municipalities is determined, based on a conceptual framework with 24 mobility and accessibility planning criteria. Statistical analysis is then conducted to find linkages between the planning paradigm and transport, land-use, and institutional characteristics of the municipalities. We show that the mobility planning paradigm still dominates Dutch municipal transport planning, and the accessibility planning paradigm is mostly found in large cities and highly urban municipalities. However, we do find indications of slow change in the transport planning paradigms in Dutch municipalities, as older policy documents are more (car) mobility focused than newer policy documents. Further research is necessary to examine the evolution of the paradigm shift in municipal transport planning over time and what factors promote the realization of such a paradigm shift.

Author Biographies

Ruben Akse, Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University Nijmegen

PhD student

Tom Thomas, Department of Civil Engineering and Management, University of Twente

Assistant professor


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